Integrating React Query with State Management Tools

Exploring the use of React Query alongside Redux Toolkit, Context API, and Zustand for state management in React applications.

Integrating React Query with State Management Tools

In modern React applications, using React Query to handle data fetching, manipulation, and caching has become a common practice. React Query provides powerful and easy-to-use tools for these tasks, excelling particularly in managing server state. However, React Query is not a catch-all solution—it primarily deals with asynchronous data fetching and caching, and cannot replace application state management.

The Necessity and Use Cases for Redux Toolkit / Context API / Zustand

1. Application State Management

  • Redux Toolkit: A robust state management tool suitable for large and complex applications. It provides a structured approach to state management, ideal for handling complex application states and logic.

    • Use Cases: Projects requiring global state management, complex state logic, state sharing across components, or debugging with Redux DevTools.
    • Benefits: Powerful debugging tools, clear state management patterns, strong typing support (TypeScript), middleware support (e.g., Redux Thunk, Redux Saga).
  • Context API: A built-in React state management tool suitable for small to medium-sized applications.

    • Use Cases: Applications with simple state needs or those requiring data to be passed through many levels without full global state management.
    • Benefits: No need for additional libraries, simple integration, lightweight.
  • Zustand: A lightweight state management library ideal for small to medium projects, offering simple state management solutions.

    • Use Cases: Small to medium projects or those requiring straightforward state management.
    • Benefits: Easy to use, high performance, lightweight.

When to Use These Technologies

  1. Redux Toolkit

    • When managing complex global state.
    • When middleware is needed to handle complex asynchronous logic.
    • When powerful DevTools are required for debugging.
    • When state changes need precise tracking and logging.
  2. Context API

    • When data needs to be passed through multiple component levels but state changes are infrequent.
    • When the state is simple, with no need for complex logic.
    • When a lightweight global state management solution is needed quickly.
  3. Zustand

    • When a more flexible yet lighter state management solution than Context API or Redux is needed.
    • When the project has medium complexity state management requirements.
    • When a simple, quick, and performant state management solution is needed.

How to Combine These Technologies

In a complex application, it is possible to use React Query alongside other state management tools. Here are some recommendations for combining them:

  • React Query + Redux Toolkit: Use React Query for data fetching and caching, and Redux Toolkit for global state management, such as user information, app settings, and UI state.
  • React Query + Context API: Use React Query for data fetching and caching, and Context API for simple global state management, such as theme settings and user sessions.
  • React Query + Zustand: Use React Query for data fetching and caching, and Zustand for application-wide state management, such as lightweight global state or state management in small to medium projects.


React Query excels at managing asynchronous data but cannot completely replace application state management tools. In complex applications, Redux Toolkit, Context API, and Zustand still play important roles, especially for managing complex global state. The choice of which technology to use depends on the specific needs, complexity, and familiarity of the development team with the tools.

This document aims to provide clarity on the integration and use of React Query alongside state management tools in modern React applications. The combination of these tools can lead to more efficient and maintainable codebases.